Dreamworks Happy Meal Toys Wiki

Mason is a sophisticated chimpanzee at the Central Park Zoo. He prefers to drink cups of coffee and "read" the newspaper in the morning. While Mason is unable to read, his friend Phil can and is used to decipher writing while Mason translates the ASL. Both escape the zoo after Gloria breaks through its outer wall; Mason mentions Tom Wolfe giving a lecture, and they plan to attend to "throw poo at him." Along with other characters, Phil and Mason are captured and sent to a wildlife reserve. However, their crates are not thrown off the boat, and they are not seen until a final scene, in which they are still in crates waving farewell to the Madagascar natives. In Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa, the chimps call upon chimpanzees living in Africa to help rebuild the wrecked plane that was supposed to fly them back to New York. They later go on strike, asking for maternity leaves and breaks; eventually, they blackmail Skipper into agreeing.
